There are many great aspects to social media, such as the ease of long-distance communication and the ability to connect with people you otherwise might never have met. But there
How to Use Magnets for Depression: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
As medical science continues to evolve, so does our fundamental understanding of what depression is and how it works. As a result, we’ve discovered countless treatments for depression. However, everyone
Is TMS an Alternative Treatment for Depression?
If you’ve been thinking about trying transcranial magnetic stimulation, you’re probably wondering, “Is TMS an alternative treatment for depression?” While it may not be as popular as psychotherapy and regular
What Part of the Brain Does TMS Stimulate?
Transcranial magnetic stimulation works by sending magnetic pulses to specific areas of the brain. But you may wonder specifically what part of the brain does TMS stimulate. TMS used to
Can TMS Make Anxiety Worse? Everything You Need to Know
Treatment for mental health disorders including depression can often come with acute side effects. If you’ve thought about transcranial magnetic stimulation, you’ve likely wondered, “Can TMS make anxiety worse?” While
How to Survive Depression at Work
Depression or depressive episodes affect each person differently, but regardless of the specific symptoms, depression at work can feel even more difficult to handle. In 2017, over 17 million adults
National Depression Screening Day, Explained
Thursday, October 10, is National Depression Screening Day. For over 25 years, hospitals, clinics, schools, and community organizations around the country have used the Thursday of the first full week
The Durability of Response After TMS: Achieving Long Term Depression Remission
Studies have shown that 76% of patients who have some symptoms which persist after receiving treatment for depression will have a full relapse of depression within 15 months. However, when
What Is Treatment-Resistant Depression and How Can Mid City TMS Help?
Celebrities’ candor paired with the evolving body of scientific knowledge have aided in the public’s understanding that depression is a disease, not a choice. If you suffer from depression, you
Finding NY TMS for Bipolar Depression
In the ongoing effort to promote understanding and effective treatment for mental health disorders, bipolar depression remains both misunderstood and deprived of a widely applied, effective treatment method. Bipolar Disorder