Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) remains a significant issue for many people and TRD research on a large population can help build scientific understanding that can lead to more effective treatment. A
What is the Serotonin Theory of Depression?
Investigating the catalysts of and biological mechanisms behind major depressive disorder (MDD) has proven an ongoing challenge for scientists and clinicians for decades. As various theories have gained and lost
What is D-Cycloserine: How to Repurpose this Antibiotic
Innovation in modern medicine doesn’t always necessitate the invention of new drugs; in some cases, existing medications may be repurposed. One such interesting case is how the antibiotic D-cycloserine might
How to Talk to Your Friends About Depression
Knowing how to talk to your friends about depression can be an overwhelming process. The initial discomfort of talking to your friends about depression is worth overcoming because it can
How to Know If You’re Depressed
Feeling sad or lonely from time to time is a normal part of life. We all get down as a common reaction to life’s many struggles or when we’re faced
What to Do When Someone is Depressed
When someone about whom you care is struggling with depression, it can be difficult to know how to best support them. Depression can be confusing to those who have not
How to Get Out of A Depressive State
Depression is an illness that must be taken seriously. Often, those who struggle with depression may feel overwhelmed, hopeless, and drained. Depression can make it difficult to take care of
Can TMS Worsen Depression?
TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, is an FDA-approved method of brain stimulation that is safe, effective, and non-invasive. TMS has been demonstrated to achieve impressive remission rates of patients in
Anxiety vs. Depression: The Difference and Their Connections
Anxiety and depression are both psychiatric conditions and it is common for a patient to have both conditions at once. Although they are two of the most common psychiatric conditions,
NYC TMS Therapy for Postpartum Depression (Newly Revised & Expanded)
Perinatal depression is defined as depression during pregnancy, around childbirth, or within the first year postpartum. Postpartum depression is one form of perinatal depression affecting approximately 10-20 percent of new